Wednesday, January 1, 2014

That Blue House

Have you ever had a place that just haunted you? Did you witness something bad there? Death of a family? A tragedy happen to you or someone you loved in that place? Well I have... I have several actually.

A few places I don't like to  go are the funeral homes where my family members' funerals have been held in. I honestly don't like passing by them either. I don't like being underneath overpasses (a place I once loved to hang out) for reasons that may come up later.. Well there are just lots of places that bring back memories I don't like to face, but nothing compares to That Blue House.

I call it this because well it's a blue house, but if I were to go into more description it's a two story blue house in my old town across the street from my old high school. Maybe a little too much information, but who cares. After reading this, if any of you, which I strongly believe none of you will, but IF any of you get the strong urge to do anything to this house let me just say that the people who once lived there do not any more so there is no need in harming innocent people. Whatever, I'm going on a rant so let's just move on shall we?

To you, or anyone else who walks by, it's just a two story blue house. A nice one at that, I might add. I once admired it i did, but now I can't stand to look at it. Jeez I'm beating around the bush aren't I, I guess it's a lot harder to spill the beans of a secret when you don't like talking about it...

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